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Ed for Good

Ed for Good

Doctors Read Children’s Stories on Social Media

Doctors Read Children’s Stories on Social Media

Teandra Ramos-Hardy put years worth of expertise into online courses to make certification accessible for anyone.

Teandra Ramos-Hardy put years worth of expertise into online courses to make certification accessible for anyone.

Reach Out & Read resources and trains physicians and advance practice providers to encourage parents to read with their children, a family activity proven to be crucial to a child's cognitive, social, and emotional development.

In 2016, Teandra Ramos-Hardy had the opportunity to take years’ worth of expertise and training and transform it into online courses for Reach Out & Read Carolinas. Through her efforts, it was suddenly much easier for Reach Out and Read providers to receive training and certified medical education credits.

Teandra's already important work became essential in a new way in March 2020. Many families were under immense stress, and the care doctors provided as well as the free books they prescribed to young children were and continue to be especially helpful for families in need.

By September 2020, Teandra had seen a 57% overall increase in engagement with courses from the previous year. And the courses that she promoted in March grew rapidly (e.g. engagement for "Building Resilience in Children & Families" increased by 750%).

Busy doctors and practitioners took time from their schedules to read children's books live on social media to promote family health and togetherness — a testament to the effectiveness of Teandra's courses and ROR's message. Here's one of those Facebook book readings from Family Nurse Practitioner, Mr. Francisco Rojo.

This article is part of our series Ed for Good

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