Content isn’t enough.
If it were, libraries and the internet would have made geniuses of every one of us.
No matter how easy it is to access or generate content, we need someone to meet us where we are and help design a path to where we want to go to make lasting progress.
Invisible paths connect everything.
Path-making is one of our most powerful human instincts — we all do it as teachers, parents, mentors, leaders, and for ourselves. However, we rarely do so intentionally and often only see the Path that brought us where we ended up in hindsight.
Paths are the invisible glue that connect people and information to progress.
Two problems block your way.
Problem 1
Understanding something new is hard. Some people get lost no matter how hard you try. The spark of inspiration doesn’t come easily.
Problem 2
The paths you make — threading notebooks, emails, PDFs, video calls, and spoken encouragement together — are invisible. You can't design what you can’t see. You’ve been trying, but, to tackle what’s next, you'll need something that works with you.
Paths were invisible.
Not anymore.
Meet Pathwright where you can see, design, and invite anyone to join a path through the challenge of learning anything. It’s the supertool you’ve been looking for.
Now, it's yours. What will you make?